Village News

Work, life, balance – have it all at 71

02 February 2024

Many people look forward to retirement so they can stop working, but Lyn Perry isn’t one of them. After nursing for 53 years at Hutt Hospital, when her and partner Chris moved to Bayswater Village with the intention of retiring, Lyn soon found she missed her career.

While keeping herself busy and active with fitness classes, knitting, snooker and walking around Mauao in nearby Mount Maunganui, Lyn also works as a flexible Registered Nurse three days a week at Metlifecare’s nearby Somervale Care Home – and she loves it!

“I work the afternoon shift to fit in my morning exercise classes. It's ideal because the flexibility gives me the best of both worlds, and on a whim, I can go holidaying and visit my grandchildren.”

The income from Lyn’s nursing means she can afford the little luxuries that make life more fun.

“In August I flew to Australia for the birth of my ninth grandchild, and for the first time in my life, I flew first class.”

Lyn’s eight-hour shift involves medication rounds, checking on residents after a fall or skin tear, blood sugar testing and wound care, which is her favourite duty.

“I love the satisfaction of seeing a wound healing nicely and knowing I’ve played a part in that.”

Lyn finds that being a mature nurse is advantageous when caring for residents.

“Many dementia patients still have good long-term memory, and they can remember the songs of their era. I know songs like ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ and I love to sing along with them.”

One thing Lyn has to be aware of is not overdoing things. However, Chris is very supportive.

“He cooks and looks after me. I don’t know how long I’ll keep working, but Chris says I’ll be bored if I stop!”

Nursing has been one of Lyn’s greatest passions and successes of life. She says that if you’re passionate about your work, why not keep doing it?

“As long as you don’t overdo it, you’ll enjoy the benefits of keeping busy, making friends and bringing in extra income.”

Lyn Perry on the job!

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